Digital Net

DigitalNet CHAT (beta)

Wake County Auxcomm holds a digital training net on the fourth Thursday of the month at 8:30 pm local time. The purpose of this net is to allow operator to train for and practice the use of digital modes to support emergency communications.  Modes will include MT63, Olivia, Winlink/Winmor and others. Modes and frequencies will vary. Please see the Yahoo Group for the latest information.

The primary software used during this net is FlDigi. It is available for download here. For configuration and help files click here. Or see the training links here. We will use FlMessage for practice with ICS 213 forms. This software is all highly customization and there is a lot of information available online about configuration. Most things we will use should work “out of the box” and only require minimal configuration.

The net will use the following procedure to allow stations to tune and prepare for the net. It is strongly suggested that stations activate the RSID functions of the software to aid in setting the mode and aligning to the transmitted signal. For instruction on RSID click here.

Beacons will be run as Olivia 16/500 at approximately 5 and 10 minutes before the scheduled net start time. The beacon and chat will include TX-RSID which will allow unattended stations to copy the correct mode.
Net Preamble will run as MT63-1000L.  If your RX-RSID is on fldigi should switch over automatically.
Initial Checkins will be take in MT63-1000L
Any practice of ICS forms and message handling will be via MT63. Other modes may be used for practice and test and will be announced by net control during the net.
Net close via MT/63.

This is a new endeavor by us all so please be courteous and provide constructive feed back so we can improve and learn together. See you on the air!