Wake AUXCOMM Net Script

(One minute prior to net make the following announcement)

This is (Callsign), the Wake County AUXCOMM net begins in one minute. All stations please stand by.

(Net begin)

All Stations this net, this is (Phonetic Callsign) – assuming net control for the Wake County AUXCOMM Training net, out.

All stations this net, this is (Callsign), net control for the Wake County AUXCOMM net. This is a directed net. All stations are requested to direct all calls to net control.

This directed net meets every Thursday evening at 7:30 pm. The purpose of this net is to provide training and information related to emergency communications for the local Amateur radio community. All stations in the coverage area of this repeater with a Technician class license or higher are invited to participate.

To check in, please give my call sign, (Callsign) pause your transmission to check for any doubling, when clear, give your call sign, name, AUXCOMM appointment (if any) and location. Please advise if you wish to secure from the net after the formal portion of the net. The formal portion of this net includes AUXCOMM announcements, discussions and net presentations. It is followed by an informal AUXCOMM related ragchew session.

We will start by taking check-ins from any stations with any AUXCOMM related announcements, please call net control (Callsign). Over

(Log & acknowledge check-ins)

I’ll now take check-ins from any stations with call suffixes beginning with ALPHA – GOLF. Call net control (Callsign). Over

(Log & Acknowledge check-ins)

I’ll now take check-ins from stations with call suffixes beginning with HOTEL – NOVEMBER. Call net control (Callsign). Over

(Log & Acknowledge check-ins)

I’ll now take check-ins from stations with call suffixes beginning with OSCAR – ZULU. Call net control (Callsign). Over

(Log & Acknowledge check-ins)

I’ll now take check-ins from any stations who missed the earlier call up. Stations call net control (Callsign). Over

(Log & Acknowledge check-ins)

(Call all stations with announcements, discussions or presentations)

I am now closing the formal portion of the Wake Co. AUXCOMM Training net. Any stations wishing to secure may do so now. All stations are invited to participate in the informal portion of the net. If you have not already done so, and wish to participate, please check-in now. Call (Callsign). Over

I will now call all stations checked-in to the informal portion of the net. Please limit your comments to AUXCOMM-related business or topics.

(Conduct roll call. When finished close the net.)

All stations this net, this is (Callsign) now securing the Wake County AUXCOMM Training net. Stations may now contact each other without going through net control. This is (Callsign). Out.